PaperWise code of conduct
PaperWise is a Social Enterprise with a clear and common goal in mind: to contribute positively to a better world. We achieve this with environmentally and socially responsible paper and board from agricultural waste for printing, packaging and stationery.
When crops such as rice, maize, wheat and sugar cane are processed, 80% of the plant – the stems and leaves (agricultural waste) – remain unused. Every year, billions of tonnes of agricultural waste become available worldwide, the vast majority of which is currently burnt! This leads to loss of valuable resources, unnecessary CO2 emissions and environmental pollution to soil and air. Hundreds of millions of very low-income small-scale farmers in developing countries, receive income only for the edible part of the plant. That is only 20% of the crop. This can be different…
Our organisation is driven by a clear mission to turn as much agricultural waste as possible into high-quality paper and board for printing, packaging and office supplies. In doing so, we want to make a positive contribution to a better world and positively change the paper industry. After all, wasting valuable raw materials has no place in this day and age!
By allowing PaperWise to grow strongly in brand awareness and turnover, we will achieve our goal. We operate in an honest and transparent manner. In our organisation, transparency and integrity are of paramount importance, as are commitment and professionalism. Safe and healthy work with an eye for the environment, the surroundings and fellow human beings is our priority. As a paper company, we set a good example and encourage industry, politics, consumers and companies to change with us. Change starts with ourselves! “Because if I don’t change, why should you?”
All PaperWise employees and suppliers are committed to this goal, to contribute to a better world. By being the leading brand in environmentally and socially responsible paper and board from agricultural waste. We believe in raising awareness. Together, we can connect people and organisations and set them in motion for a more sustainable society. Together, we make the difference.
Together Wise With Waste.
Founder & CEO PaperWise
PaperWise has the ambition to positively change the paper industry and seeks to connect with industry, politics, consumers and businesses. PaperWise pursues transparency, integrity and fairness in all its activities and dealings with interested stakeholders. The Sustainable Development Goals serve as a compass. PaperWise employees and suppliers act honestly, ethically and lawfully at all times. The Code of Conduct set out below applies to all PaperWise employees and suppliers;
Socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship
PaperWise aims to contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. PaperWise does this by using agricultural waste as a raw material for paper and cardboard. In doing so, PaperWise reduces the environmental impact of paper and provides farmers in developing countries with an additional source of income. PaperWise is carbon-neutral. This is achieved by using as little energy as possible, using green energy wherever possible and offsetting the remainder. By offering sustainable paper and board solutions, PaperWise aims to help others reduce their environmental impact. PaperWise will always be guided by socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship in making decisions and devising strategies, with the aim of ensuring the continuity of the organisation. Guidelines such as OECD, SA8000, ILO Declaration, ISO14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001 and ISO 26000 form the basis for PaperWise’s choices and strategies. PaperWise employees and suppliers will consider people and the environment at all times and try to apply positive changes where necessary (and possible).
Fair, ethical and lawful behaviour
PaperWise employees and suppliers act in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical behaviour. This means that PaperWise employees and suppliers always act with decency, honesty and integrity in accordance with applicable laws, and avoid all forms of cheating and unethical behaviour.
PaperWise employees and suppliers will only make decisions that are in the best interest of the company and never for personal gain. Company interests come first and will be safeguarded at all times.
Confidential information
PaperWise employees and suppliers will never use confidential or proprietary information for personal gain. If an employee has to deal with confidential information from a PaperWise position, it should never be shared with third parties unless expressly required for the performance of the work. Employees and suppliers are expected to be vigilant and take appropriate measures to prevent the leakage of confidential information through negligence, carelessness or indiscreet behaviour. PaperWise employees and suppliers shall never improperly attempt to obtain confidential information from a competitor, peer, customer or prospect.
Discrimination and harassment
PaperWise employees and suppliers always treat people, animals and nature with respect. At PaperWise, harassment by anyone in any form is out of the question. Any form of discrimination is also avoided. Every employee, temporary worker, intern, board member and others involved at PaperWise is expected to behave according to the standards of decency generally accepted in the Netherlands. This includes respect for cultures, beliefs, orientation and opinions, even if they are different from one’s own.
PaperWise employees are always professional, optimistic, friendly, helpful and proactive. Towards each other as well as towards relations outside the organisation, such as customers, potential customers, suppliers and other relations. These rules of conduct apply to any form of contact or communication, including telephone contact, e-mail traffic and Social Media.
PaperWise applies ethical standards of conduct in its marketing and communication activities and will not knowingly proclaim untruths or make misleading advertising. PaperWise always pursues openness and transparency in all its communications. PaperWise employees and suppliers provide accurate and reliable information to customers, potential customers, suppliers, stakeholders and the public. PaperWise employees and suppliers ensure that sustainability claims are substantiated and verifiable. If factual inaccuracies about PaperWise are found on the internet (or elsewhere), please contact the website or Social Media account to have the inaccuracies truthfully corrected or removed.
Production and procurement
PaperWise is produced in India and South America. For the production of PaperWise, PaperWise applies 4 principles that paper mills must comply with: 1) by accepting production orders from PaperWise, paper mills acknowledge this code of conduct and agree to its content; 2) agricultural waste is raw material; 3) consistently high quality; 4) supply chain partners have Corporate Social Responsibility focus and policies.
PaperWise aims to upcycle as much agricultural waste as possible into high-quality paper and board. Independent environmental comparative research based on life cycle assessment (LCA) shows that PaperWise has 47% lower environmental impact compared to paper from trees and 29% lower than recycled paper. In addition, agricultural waste is a source of additional income for poor farmers in developing countries. PaperWise’s mission is to produce papers with the lowest environmental impact and greatest social contribution.
Only together can we grow the share of paper & board made from agricultural waste. Good cooperation with the various stakeholders is very important in this respect. PaperWise’s vision and mission is knowable to production partners PaperWise works with. PaperWise has four principles for collaborations in the supply chain: 1) long-term cooperation; 2) improving environmental impact, social impact, quality, efficiency and productivity together; 3) paying a fair price; 4) traceability and analysis of ingredients and raw materials. The latter ensures that PaperWise can establish that ingredients and materials are sustainable, food-safe and socially responsible in line with its vision and mission. PaperWise aims for long-term partnerships with suppliers and will make maximum efforts to grow paper volume at production partners every year. In doing so, PaperWise aims to contribute positively to sustainability and continuity of the relationship with production partners.
PaperWise refrains from collaborating in the supply chain with partners that carry out activities that are contrary to PaperWise’s vision (in the opinion of the management), the law or social attitudes. PaperWise under no circumstances cooperates with factories where; child labour occurs, individuals are exploited and/or forced to work under dangerous conditions. The working conditions of employees in the paper mills are modern and meet international standards for safe and healthy working.
PaperWise’s management itself visits production sites and carries out regular checks on quality, safety, working conditions and the production process.
Donation policy
In line with its vision, PaperWise adopts the following donation policy; PaperWise will spend between 3% and 5% of net profit after tax on an annual basis on projects or initiatives in the region where PaperWise is produced. The spending will contribute positively to one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. The total amount will be distributed proportionally among the various production partners producing paper and board for PaperWise, with a minimum threshold amount per production partner. From €1500 and above will be spent, otherwise not. PaperWise management will consult the production partners about possible projects.
Sustainable cooperation
PaperWise is committed to long-term partnerships with all stakeholders, including employees, customers and suppliers. PaperWise seeks to connect with like-minded organisations that also want to reduce their environmental impact to jointly contribute to a better world.
Complaints are always taken seriously and handled in a fair and transparent manner. The person making the complaint can always count on a response.
PaperWise respects the intellectual property rights of others and enforces copyright, patent and trademark laws.
Financial accountability
PaperWise accurately maintains PaperWise’s financial records and regularly shares its financial situation, at least monthly, with employees and other stakeholders including banks, lenders and shareholders. PaperWise ensures responsible management of its financial resources and aims to grow PaperWise’s revenue annually, in order to make a greater social contribution. PaperWise in no way tolerates fraud, bribery, corruption or other unethical financial practices. PaperWise maintains a culture of integrity, honesty and accountability.
Developments and innovations
PaperWise embraces a culture of ambition where continuous learning, innovation and improvement are central. PaperWise analyses, evaluates and reflects on a continuous basis its products, processes, impact and stakeholder feedback and adjusts strategies and activities accordingly. PaperWise aims to actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and pursues (improving) sustainability of the organisation and PaperWise products at all times.
This code of conduct is exemplary and does not attempt to include all examples. By adhering to this code of conduct, PaperWise aims to have a positive impact on the environment, society and the well-being of all stakeholders with sustainable paper and board made from agricultural waste. Complaints, reactions or comments regarding this code of conduct can be reported to PaperWise’s management. The management is responsible for finding a solution to the situation.