Reduce paper use
In the past 15 years, the paper industry has strongly dedicated itself to reduce the environmental impact. By working eco efficiently, huge (environmental) savings in energy, water, chemistry, emissions, and waste were realized. PaperWise goes a step further by choosing agricultural waste as raw material and for 100% green energy in the production process. You can also make an important contribution to reducing the environmental impact by switching to PaperWise paper, as well as by applying the following tips to reduce paper use:
– Choose a lower weight of paper (thinner paper)
– Print 2 pages on 1 sheet of paper
– Switch to sending information digitally
– Choose a central copier / fax machine / scanner per department
– Print employee bound within your company
– Show printing behavior as an environment dashboard on a screen
– Switch to a ‘paperless office’
Do you have any other tips to save paper? Share them here. We will expand the list with the best and/or most frequent suggestions.