If you have something to celebrate, want to mark a milestone, or are looking to launch a new strategy, then a company or in-house magazine may be the perfect way of informing employees or business  contacts. The company magazine of Van Oers United was printed on sustainable PaperWise White 110 gram paper with a cover made of sturdy, unbleached, one-sided white coated PaperWise Natural 342 gram paperboard. Sustainable and has a high-quality look!

Van Oers United is an international supplier of fresh vegetables. The occasion for printing the sustainable in-house magazine on PaperWise paper made from agricultural waste was to celebrate their new production and distribution centre. This location, certified BREEAM Outstanding, meets the highest standards of sustainability. It was therefore both a logical and ecological choice to choose the environmentally friendly PaperWise paper. The in-house magazine was created with the help of Amsterdam-based publisher Great Magazines, and was printed by MediaCenter in Rotterdam. If you are considering publishing your own ecologically sustainable company or in-house magazine but do not know how to get started, then please contact us and together we can help make the world a better place!


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