27. Is PaperWise paper and board bleached?
PaperWise can be divided into 2 types of paper and board. PaperWise Natural and PaperWise White. All paper and board in the PaperWise Natural group are not bleached and therefore have a light [...]
PaperWise can be divided into 2 types of paper and board. PaperWise Natural and PaperWise White. All paper and board in the PaperWise Natural group are not bleached and therefore have a light [...]
The most important raw material in making paper and board is cellulose, because it gives paper its sturdiness. In addition to cellulose, grass paper and grass board contains a small percentage of [...]
Yes. PaperWise contributes to a better world. In line with its vision, PaperWise has implemented a donation policy starting in 2022. PaperWise donates annually between 3% and 5% of its net profit [...]
PaperWise is certified for industrial composting EN 13432, home composting DIN CERTCO, food safety EC 1935/2004 and recycling. PaperWise is also a certified B Corp™ (sustainability certification).
Yes. PaperWise is contributing to a better world. In line with its vision, PaperWise has a donation policy from 2022. PaperWise annually donates between 3% and 5% of net profit (after tax) to [...]
If your question has not been answered, please click here to ask your question.
PaperWise packs its paper and paperboard with care for protection of the product and the environment. Concretely, this means that, where possible, PaperWise will use its own paper types as [...]
PaperWise has nothing to do with genetically modified organisms. The countries from which PaperWise sources its agricultural waste do not allow genetic modification to the crops in question.
PaperWise paper is ISO 9706 certified, the international archiving standard for permanent non-perishable paper, and suitable for archiving to 100 years. The standard describes the life span [...]
With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), PaperWise means that the organization continuously maintains the right balance between social and environmental responsible entrepreneurship with the [...]
Paper mills in Europe usually use trees or waste paper as raw material. The trees used are fortunately mostly from responsible forests, FSC or PEFC certified. Trees are widely available in [...]
PaperWise is produced in paper mills in Asia and South America that are of great importance to the local communities around the factory. Investments are made in education, infrastructure and [...]
PaperWise does not compete with food because the paper and paperboard are made from the waste of the harvest, not from the edible parts of it. First, the nutrients are taken from the plant. Next, [...]
PaperWise is made in paper mills in Asia and South-America, where many agricultural crops are cultivated and processed. The factories are located in the same area where the agricultural crops are [...]
The working conditions are modern and comply with European standards for corporate social responsibility (CSR). PaperWise verifies this together with independent parties. The paper machines are [...]
PaperWise is made in paper mills in Asia and South America where many agricultural crops such as rice, grain, jute, hemp and sugar cane are cultivated and processed. The factories are located in [...]
Lignin, also called black liquor, is taken from the agricultural waste. After that, the fiber is turned white by means of the ECF (Elementary chlorine free) technique. Therefore, PaperWise has a [...]
PaperWise is made from agricultural waste, stems and leaves left over after harvesting. This makes the felling of trees unnecessary. The FSC and PEFC labels stand for sustainable forest [...]
The price is dependent on the order volume. The webshop provides a clear image of your advantage with a larger order volume. Long-term contracts for companies create extra purchase advantages. [...]
In Europe, we use approximately 77.4 billion kilograms of paper and carton every year (source: CEPI). To transport this, we need more than 5 million trucks every year.
This has to do with paper demand, worldwide population growth, and technical innovation to be able to make high quality paper and paperboard nowadays from agricultural waste. A hundred years ago, [...]
PaperWise is made from agricultural waste, with green energy. This residue is largely available every year. Residue that is otherwise taken as waste, will now get a new purpose. It is a secondary [...]
PaperWise is made with green energy from agricultural waste. This is a clean raw material that does not need to be purified first, like recycled paper. Moreover, natural liquids are released from [...]
PaperWise is made from agricultural waste and with green energy. This offers many advantages: 1. Agricultural waste is available every year. 2. Material that otherwise would be processed as waste [...]
Yes, within the gates of the factory, all energy for PaperWise is 100% green energy and, therefore, CO2 neutral.
PaperWise is available in the webshop and via your supplier. We are constantly working on expanding the PaperWise distribution network. Does your supplier not yet have PaperWise in its [...]
PaperWise is unique because the paper and paperboard is made from agricultural waste. For production, 100% green energy is used. Unique is the high quality of the paper and paperboard in [...]
PaperWise paper and paperboard is of excellent quality and can be printed well in color and in black-and-white. The paper and folding paperboard can be used multifunctionally on all printers, fax [...]
PaperWise is high quality paper and paperboard that is perfectly suitable for recycling, up to 7x. The paper and paperboard can be mixed with other paper types.
Agricultural waste offers many advantages: This residue becomes available every year. Material that otherwise would have been processed as waste, will now get the highest value: it forms the raw [...]
This depends on the type of tree. Most types in Europe have a growing season of between 25 and 40 years. For pine and spruce, this is between 70 and 80 years. For birches, this is between 35 and [...]
This sort of happened out of habit – a historic development. Trees contain cellulose, the raw material for paper. In Europe, this raw material is largely available.
Some of our paper and paperboard products are already made from 100% agricultural waste. The exact amount of agricultural waste varies depending on the type of paper or paperboard, because [...]
In Europe, all people and companies together use approximately 77.4 billion kilograms of paper and carton per year. To transport this volume, more than 5 million trucks are needed. To make these [...]
The four most cultivated agricultural crops worldwide are rice, grain, corn, and sugarcane. These crops have a total weight of over 16,500 billion kilos per year. About 80% of that weight can be [...]
Agricultural waste, or agricultural residue, contains all parts of the plant that are released with the processing of agricultural crops like rice, grain, and sugarcane and are not suitable for [...]
PaperWise considers it important that we deal with paper use carefully and consciously. Where possible, we strive to reduce the use. PaperWise also wants to inspire everyone to deal with waste [...]
PaperWise wants to motivate people and organizations for a sustainable society. We do this with paper made from agricultural waste, or agricultural residue. Our inspiration: ‘Nature knows no [...]
PaperWise is committed to getting the share of agricultural waste as raw material for paper and paperboard as high as possible. We do this in cooperation with producers, certification institutes, [...]
PaperWise hopes that schoolchildren will spontaneously answer the question ‘What is paper made of?’ in several years with: ‘From agricultural waste like leaves and stems’.
Contact info
Beekstraat 54 Cwartier 206
6001 GJ Weert
The Netherlands
Company number: 56662939
VAT number: NL8522.45.130.B01
IBAN: NL96 RABO 0169 2930 09
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