We all need to become more environmentally conscious if we want to combat climate change. This applies to our personal lives, but there are also many ways we can contribute in the workplace. You can make not only your home environment but also your workplace more sustainable. No matter what kind of job you have, there’s always something you can do to make your work environment a bit more eco-friendly. Some steps are more obvious, like using less paper when printing or turning off hardware like laptops and printers when not in use, but there’s much more you can do. These ten tips will help make your workspace more sustainable.
1 – Work from home more often
During the COVID-19 crisis, we quickly got used to working from home. It has its pros and cons, and let’s be honest, when we were only allowed to work from home, most of us were eager to return to the office. But being in the office full-time, five days a week? Many of us no longer find that necessary. Fortunately, this is a good thing. That one meeting you’d normally drive an hour for could perhaps be done online, and working from home one or two days a week saves fuel. It’s not only good for your wallet but also for the environment. Just think about all those hours. By working from home two days a week, you could save up to eight full days (24 hours!) of commuting time annually if your commute is one hour each way.
2 – Use as much natural light as possible
When you’re at the office, the workspace is often lit by rows of overhead lights. Sometimes it’s necessary, like when it’s dark outside or when there’s limited natural light, but often the lights could just as well be turned off. By opening blinds or curtains, you can let in as much natural light as possible, allowing you to keep the lights off longer. This also applies when working from home: make sure to take advantage of natural light so you can keep the lights off longer, saving electricity. And if you do use lights, opt for LED bulbs, which are more sustainable than energy-saving ones.
3 – Choose sustainable stationary
Sustainable office supplies are CO2-neutral and preferably made from tree-free paper and cardboard. Think of envelopes, presentation folders, business cards, agendas, calendars, and notepads. These office supplies typically use large amounts of paper, for which fields of trees are felled. Sustainable stationary made from agricultural waste saves trees and gives post-harvest waste a second life.
4 – Be mindful of printing
On average, an office worker uses up to 10,000 sheets of paper per year. A fully grown tree can yield up to 60,000 sheets, meaning one tree is felled per six office workers each year. This is completely unnecessary if you think carefully about how you print. First, ask yourself if printing is really necessary. And if it is, consider whether you need to print everything or just part of it. Print sustainably by choosing black and white and always opt for double-sided printing if your printer supports it. Also, whenever possible, choose tree-free print and copy paper. Paper made from agricultural waste is 100% tree-free and of the same quality as conventional paper made from trees.
5 – Recycle old paper
Printed paper often ends up in the trash, sometimes unread. It’s a waste, but if it does happen, make sure to separate your waste so that it can be recycled. Place a paper bin where you can collect the paper, and you can either take it to a local paper and cardboard container or have it picked up on designated recycling days. This way, you can ensure that your old paper gets a second life.
6 – Lower the thermostat by one degree
Thankfully, the rising heating costs have made this more top-of-mind. Lowering the thermostat by just one degree throughout the day can make a significant difference to your wallet. Set it to 19 instead of 20, for example. With appropriate clothing, it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. You’ll save hundreds of euros annually and use significantly less gas.
7 – Use sustainable furniture
Whether you’re furnishing an entire office or your own home workspace, choosing sustainable options makes a difference. You can do this by opting for used chairs, tables, and desks. By giving these pieces of furniture a second life, fewer new items need to be produced. If you do prefer new, choose natural materials and look for furniture with the ‘Milieukeur’ label. This label ensures that the materials used are less harmful to the environment than other options.
8 – Choose energy-efficient electronics
A modern office without electronics is unthinkable. However, you can make a difference by choosing the most sustainable options. Many electronics come with an energy label. By choosing a monitor or printer with an energy label of A or higher, you’ll use less energy. Still deciding between a desktop and a laptop? A laptop is increasingly becoming the go-to choice, and that’s good news: it uses up to 70% less energy than a traditional desktop.
9 – Unplug devices
At the end of the workday, during breaks, or when you’re not using a device for a while: unplug it. Most electronic devices don’t fully shut down but enter a kind of sleep mode, which still consumes energy. By unplugging the device, or turning off the switch on a power strip, you can avoid this unnecessary energy use.
10 – Get rid of plastic disposable cups
You’ve probably seen them, the white plastic disposable cups with ridges at the top. We used to drink our coffee from them all the time at the office. Thankfully, we’re using them less and less. The best option is to use your own coffee mug, which you can wash at the end of the day and keep using for a long time.
Take the first step
Though it may seem like an impossible task at times, every small saving we make really does make a difference when combined. All those small savings together create a huge relief for the environment. If you don’t know where to start, choose one of the ten sustainability tips in this article and take your first step.